Monday, January 10, 2011

Fffffreeeezing, but Our Hearts are Warm......

We have found out N's location...

And, well, to say it is cold there is an understatement. :p


The kids are so funny about it. We talk all the time about how it might be hard for N to acclamate to our warm Texas climate. How the poor little guy has probably never been swimming in a swimming pool and surely does not get to play outside this time of year...

Well, Texas is getting a HUGE coldfront from N's area of the world. Until last night, I was not certain how much of this whole process the twins really understood or were even paying attention to. Then, the weatherman said where the blast of cold air was coming from and Baylee immediately says "N must have sent that to us Mommy!" So, I guess that they are indeed listening to what we are saying and absorbing the details... :)


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